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Promoting Career Readiness with Free Innovageous Career Readiness Posters

With the updated requirements for graduation that include options for multiple pathways and career education benchmarks, our Innovageous team has developed systems, supports, and resources to promote whole school compliance and success. Whether it’s planning for student career portfolios, development of comprehensive guidance programs, CTE program evaluations, high school and post secondary planning, or designing multiple pathways to graduation for requirements such as PA’s Act 158, our team has the creativity and experience to work alongside leaders to design and implement customized systems and programs that support success for all students as they navigate the career development continuum.

This year, we’re facilitating an 18-month professional learning experience for educators from CTE high schools in the School District of Philadelphia through our Pathways to Career Success program. This professional learning experience focuses on building a community of practice to promote career education and development across all grades and content areas. In line with the CTE community’s vision for CTE Without Limits, these educators have adopted a mindset that every teacher is a career educator and are working to create teacher-facing resources to bring this mindset into reality across their schools.

Our Innovageous team has been inspired by the collective mindset of these educators and designed a series of posters that you can access for free here. These Career Readiness Posters are meant to inspire young people to think about their future aspirations and goals!

Here are some quick ideas for using the posters in your classroom:

  • Use the “Future is Bright poster as a centerpiece on a bulletin board where students each decorate a lightbulb with their own future aspirations!

  • Promote identification and discussions of how content connects to specific careers, and create a visual list next to the Every Class is a Lesson for Our Future poster to keep a running record of connections between your content and different careers.

  • Post the “4 Cs” poster in a central visible location. Use it to point out when students are using one or more of the 4 Cs. Take time to discuss what each “C” looks like and sounds like in practice.

  • Use the “Self Discovery” poster as inspiration while students fill in a graphic organizer helping them organize their skills, talents, etc. Give them time regularly to reflect on who they are and add to the organizer throughout the year.

  • Use the “It’s Your Future: Career Clusters” poster to get to know each cluster. Spotlight a cluster each month and connect skills that would be needed to be successful in these careers.

We hope these resources provide some low risk ideas that any educator can implement with students starting today! The integration of career education is a school-wide initiative that requires planning, coordination, and collaboration to be successful. Our team is here to partner up with your school community to support systems building, program planning, and professional learning to ensure school compliance and impactful career development for all students! Reach out today to explore your school's needs and how we can collaborate for career success!


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